
 Our sailing calendar is overseen by Royce Watchorn, Rear Commodore Sailing

Please sign up on the clubhouse notice board for any cruises and  check on the News for Members page for any last minute events.

Out on the water

We enjoy a full programme of sailing events and cruises through the season. We are in the privileged position to be a short hop away from the Medway's beautiful upper reaches, its estuary and associated creeks.  Whether you enjoy a relaxing afternoon upriver chatting to friends or an evening at anchor in Stangate Creek we try to do it all.


The Club organises cruises far and wide.  Favourites are to The Thames, East Coast and the Continent plus Inland Cruises up the Medway.


If you are planning to get out on your boat and would like other members to come along, why not let us know.

Where to Find Us

Strood Yacht Club     Temple Manor Marsh     

Knight Road     Strood     Kent     ME2 2AH                 



Tel: 01634 718 261

How to find Strood Yacht Club
Directions to Strood Yacht Club.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 314.0 KB